Acceptable Use Policy
Student Agreement Form for Joaquin ISD's System Access to the Internet
The Joaquin Independent School District is happy to provide access to the Internet and computer technology to all students and teachers in our district. We believe that the Internet offers our educational community valuable and diverse resources for learning and communicating with others. Our goal is to promote educational excellence in our schools by facilitating information access, resource sharing, innovation and communication.
At the same time, we are aware that material on the Internet is uncensored and we can make no guarantee that information found on the Internet will be valuable, reliable or inoffensive. However, we firmly believe that the vast amount of information available and the interaction with other people made possible via the Internet provides educational benefits to our students that far outweigh the risks.
Access to the Internet and computer technology is a privilege for students and not a right. We expect students to use these tools in a responsible manner for educational purposes and to be considerate of that privilege and may also result in further disciplinary action.
These guidelines are provided so that each student is aware of the responsibilities involved in using the Internet and computer technology. Following you will find the Joaquin Independent School District Acceptable Use Guidelines.